Sample term

From Justice Definitions Project

This page elaborates sample structure for the definition.

What is 'Term'

A simple, introductory or accessible meaning of the 'term'. This section may establish how the concept is commonly used and its significance.

Official Definition of 'Term'

This section discusses the 'term' as defined in any authoritative source like legal sources or the highest version of publications issued by the government. Where no such definition is provided, reference can be made to other provisions relating to the term.

'Term' as defined in legislation(s)

These include the definition(s) of the term as defined under any act, ordinance, rule, notification, guideline, circular, government order, or any other document published in the gazette.[1]

'Term' as defined in official government report(s)

These include the definition(s) of the term as defined under any report like the law commission, crime in India report, Prison Statistics of India, parliamentary committee report, and any such report by an empowered committee or commission. This also includes annual publications dealing with the statistical compilation of data and any other publication of such character[2] by any government department or agency like replies filed by the government in the parliament, information published on government websites and PIB releases.

Law Commission report

Crime in India report

Empowered committee report

PIB releases

'Term' as defined in case law(s)

These include judicial dictum related to the term. The case law(s) based definition is also relevant if it reflects the evolution of the term by way of judicial pronouncements.

'Term' as defined in other official document(s)

These include other sources like the Treaties, Convention, and any other source of International Law, whether applicable or not applicable to India. These also include reports by International Organisations (IOs) like United Nations, World Bank and other such multilateral bodies.

Legal provision(s) relating to 'Term'

These Legal provisions may not define the 'term' but are conceptually relevant for the holistic understanding of the 'term'. These may include a definition of any ancillary/related term, which enhances understanding of the 'term'.

Types of 'Terms'

These include any classification of major categories of the term. This can include regional variations and instances of interchangeable usage.

The classification may also relate to

Slight differences and nuances in the concept

Variations/ multiple meanings in terms of usage in research and per civil society.

Functional variations across regions/states/High Courts

Use of different Nomenclature across regions/states/High Court

These classifications/variations can also be represented in a tabulated format.

sample table
C1 C2 C3

International Experience

This entails a comparative viewpoint of the conceptual framework of the term.

This section seeks to explore

How other counties have sought to define, operationalise and collect data regarding the concept.
Deviations from Indian practice/conceptualisation relating to the 'term'
Any learnings or Best Practices

Appearance of 'term' in Database

This section seeks to explore

  • How is this concept invoked in official databases and in what ways it appears in such databases and tracking systems?
  • Which apex departments and agencies are the relevant data creators and what method do they follow to collate the present judicial data? The description should cover the data field, methodology, variables and other such indicators. Apart from the description, pointers like coding of units, and abbreviation are relevant for this section. Data trends and findings are not relevant to the purpose of this project.

Where possible, this section should include direct links and screenshots

Database A

Official Database maintained by the government on the web or published as a government document.

The uploaded image should carry with it a caption highlighting the data and the source of the image, including the weblink from where it is sourced

Database B

Database maintained by a non-government entity on the web or published as a document.

Research that engages with 'term'

An overview of the research that has been conducted on the concept within the Indian Justice context, by non-government bodies like Academic Institutions, Research Organisations, CSOs, think tanks and other such bodies.

Research Document X

Research Document Y

Research Document Z

The description of the research document should include how the research covers the 'term' and builds the concept by going beyond the official documentation of the concept. Apart from the description of the report, gaps and overlaps existing within the research documents are also relevant to this section.[3]


This section seeks to discuss issues and challenges relating to data, process, and implementation that stand in the way of analysis of the 'term'.

This may include information relating to

  • Transparency, accessibility, and reliability of data.
  • Standardisation and harmonisation of data.
  • Implementation status of processes relating to the 'term' and nature of such barriers.

Way Ahead

This includes suggestions that have been put forward by senior judges, stakeholders, academics and research organisations.

The suggestions may relate to

  • improving data collection
  • enabling systemic analysis
  • process efficiency

Related terms

Comparable, synonymous, and umbrella terms as used in the Indian context.


  1. The complete name of the statute (citation), section/articles in abbreviation (s./art).  available at: URL (accessed on DD/MM/YY).
  2. Author (individual followed by designation/institution), Title of the document,, Official records, document number (full date), pinpoint reference.  available at: web url (accessed on DD/MM/YY).
  3. Institution/Author, “title of the Report within inverted commas” page number.  available at: web url (accessed on DD/MM/YY). 
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