Goa Administrative Tribunal

From Justice Definitions Project


The Goa Administrative Tribunal was established by Decree no.4627 dated 1.7.1918 and reconstituted under the Goa, Daman, and Diu Tribunal Act, 1965. It has a very important role to play in the field of Judicial services having jurisdiction for the whole State of Goa. The Administrative Tribunal has been vested with Original/Appellate and Revisional Jurisdiction under the different old and new local Acts and Rules, such as Reforma Administrative Ultramarine, Devasthan Regulation (Regulamento das Mazanies ) code of Communidades ( Legislative Diploma No. 2070 dated 15.4.1961 ), Goa Municipalities Act, 1968, Sales Tax Act, The Goa, Daman and Diu Buildings (Lease, Rent and Eviction) Control Act, 1968, The Goa, Damana and Diu Mundkars (Protection from Eviction) Act, 1975 etc. The Administrative Tribunal functions and discharges the duties entrusted to it by or under these Acts and Rules or any other law for the time being in force. Till 1995, the Administrative Tribunal was composed of Chairman and members. In 1996, the Tribunal was reconstituted with a President alone to ensure speedy disposal of cases.

Legislative Framework


The jurisdiction of the Goa Administrative Tribunal extends to the whole State of Goa. Jurisdiction over Daman and Diu was excluded by the Amendment Act, 1996.

Status of Digitisation

The Tribunal has no website of its own. Information about it is available on the website of Government of Goa: GOA WEBSITE- Government Of Goa | Official Portal. All information regarding the tribunal is available on Citizen-Charter-tribunal.pdf (goa.gov.in).