Haryana real estate appellate tribunal

From Justice Definitions Project


Official website

Haryana Real Estate Appellate Tribunal (haryanarera.gov.in)

Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016, Government of Haryana has notified The Haryana Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Rules, 2017 which came into force from 28.07.2017


The home screen of the HREAT portal, there is an option for registering an appeal. The necessary details of the appellant and respondent must be provided as per the steps prompted by the system. After submitting the form, users will receive an online appeal number that will be used for future correspondences. The further steps and the payment details can be found here

Case status

Case or appeal details can be found by entering the necessary details about the appeal and users can retrieve the status of the appeal.

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Cause list

Cause list is published on a daily basis and daily cause lists give information such as appeal number, subject of the case, station, name and contact number of the advocate/ authorized person of the parties and the status of what the case is fixed for. Example: fixed for arguments, fixed for re-hearing etc.

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