Rajasthan real estate appellate tribunal

From Justice Definitions Project


Official Website

Real Estate Appellate Tribunal Rajasthan

The Rajasthan REAT is governed by the Rajasthan Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Rules, 2017     Govt. of Rajasthan has constituted the Rajasthan Real Estate Appellate Tribunal (Raj. REAT) on 01.05.2017. The Tribunal's office started functioning with effect from 1st march 2021, at Anand Bhawan Sansar Chandra Road, Jaipur.


E-filing can be done online through the portal for efiling given in the Rajasthan Real Estate Appellate Tribunal official website. The portal enables the users to login using their login id and password or register if they are a new user.

The instructions to be followed during efiling can be found here

The procedure to be followed for e-filing can be found here https://reat.rajasthan.gov.in/about-us.html#:~:text=Every%20appeal%20shall,shall%20be%20followed



Case information

The status of the case may be procured by entering the appeal number and year of filing.

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Cause list

It publishes daily and supplementary cause lists. Each cause list provides details like the appeal number, party names, CA/Advocate name, email and phone numbers.

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