Tamil nadu real estate appellate tribunal

From Justice Definitions Project

Tamil Nadu

The Government of India has notified the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016. The Tamil Nadu Real Estate Appellate Tribunal is governed by the Tamil Nadu Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Rules, 2017 which the Housing and Development Department of the Tamil Nadu government notified on 22.06.2017 Tamil Nadu Real Estate Appellate Tribunal Regulations, 2019

Filing an appeal and e-payment

Any person aggrieved by any direction or decision or orders made by the Authority or by the Adjudicating Officer under this Act, may prefer an appeal before the Appellate Tribunal having jurisdiction over the matter. Every appeal filed under sub section (1) of Section 44 of the Act shall be accompanied by a fee of Rs.2,000/- (Rupees Two Thousand only) remitted online. Every appeal shall be filed in Form ‘L' along the following documents:

(a) An attested true copy of the order against which the appeal is filed;

(b) Copies of documents relied upon by the appellate and referred to in the appeal; and

(c) An Index of the documents

Case information

The cases for which final orders are passed are divided into three categories.- Before the Authority (Form 'M') - List of cases for which Final Orders passed, Single Member Bench - List of cases for which Final Orders passed and Before the Adjudicating Officer (Form 'N') - List of cases for which Final Orders passed. The year for which we seek the details must be entered and we can retrieve information about the cases for which final orders were given in that particular year.

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Cause lists

Cause lists are retrievable in the pdf and excel format only. It mentions the case number, the stage of the case, name of the appellant with the counsel and name of the respondent with the counsel.

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