Uttar Pradesh Real Estate Appellate Tribunal

From Justice Definitions Project

Uttar Pradesh

The UP REAT is governed by Uttar Pradesh Real Estate Tribunal Regulations, 2019


The e-file can be uploaded online, through efiling portal of UPREAT or through the link provided at the official website of U.P. REAT for this purpose. The e-filing is regulated under

  1. The Uttar Pradesh Real Estate Appellate Tribunal (1st Amendment) Regulations, 2021
  2. The Uttar Pradesh Real Estate Appellate Tribunal (2nd Amendment) Regulations, 2021

The UP-REAT e-filing portal enables enables service of electronic documents to the respondent. The parties to the case can upload all case related documents including, written statements, counter and rejoinder affidavits, documents, applications in pending matters or in disposed of matters. . The portal also enables the scrutiny officer to append their reports on the e-case file electronically and the defects are intimated electronically to the person who has filed the case.

Case Information

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Cause list

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The final causelist are provided in HTML format, with the option to export CSV file. The causelist provides information relating to case no, name of parties, details of legal representative, and purpose of hearing i.e admission, for order, delay condonation, defect removal, etc. . Supplementary cases are also listed, towards the end of the cause list.  

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